PostgreSQL ++ for time series and events | Timescale

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Modern Postgres
for Speed, Scale, and AI

Over 3 million Timescale databases power IoT, AI, crypto and dev tool applications. Still Postgres, but faster, scalable, and easier to use.

Console UI

Time series, events, and analytics

For ingesting and querying vast amounts of live data. Our hybrid row-columnar engine makes queries up to 350x faster, ingests 44% faster and reduces storage by 95% over RDS.


RAG, search, and Al agents

We just made PostgreSQL a better database for Al with pgvectorscale & pgai. It's as fast as Pinecone, easier to use, up to 75% cheaper, and 100% open source.

Trusted by great companies

“Our queries are really fast, taking only 100 ms for a table with around 1.4 billion rows.”

Christian Halim, engineering manager at Pintu, one of Indonesia’s leading cryptocurrency trading platforms,explains how his team inserts 5 million data rows every 30 minutes, queries more than a billion data rows in 0.1 seconds, and automatically deletes a billion data rows per day.

Your engine for blazingly fast application data

Store and query data quickly and efficiently with automatic partitioning, columnar compression, and real-time aggregation. Grow effortlessly with dynamic scaling and infinite storage.

Built for price-performance

Speed, Scale, and Savings

Blazing-fast query speed

Up to 1000x faster queries than vanilla PostgreSQL, AWS Timestream, InfluxDB, and MongoDB. Give your users answers in milliseconds, not minutes.

Explore our Amazon Timestream benchmark

Without breaking the bank

Pay only for what you store. Get 5x storage savings via columnar compression. Don’t worry about extra charges for reads, writes, or other hidden costs.

Learn more about compression

At infinite scale

Flexible scaling with independent compute and storage. Do more with less resources via database optimizations. Tier data into object storage for low-cost infinite scalability.

Read about our S3 object storage

A smoother route from MVP to GA

Build faster

Prototype in days not weeks

Out-of-the-box productivity with purpose-built time-series features like policies for automated data aggregation, downsampling, and retention.

Explore continuous aggregates

Using the skills you already have

Full SQL and more than 100 ready-to-go hyperfunctions to speed up complex data analysis without leaving your time-series database.

Explore hyperfunctions

With your existing cloud-native infrastructure

Programmatic APIs and VPC Peering to safely integrate with your cloud infrastructure. Monitor with Datadog and CloudWatch. Leverage AWS Lambda, AWS IoT, AWS Kinesis, and more.

Learn more on VPC peering

WITH setup AS (SELECT lag(temperature) OVER (PARTITION BY freezer_idORDER BY ts) as prev_temp,extract('epoch' FROM ts) as ts_e,extract('epoch' FR OM lag(ts) OVER (PARTITION BYfreezer_id ORDER BY ts)) as prev_ts_e,*FROM freezer_temps),nextstep AS (SELECT CASE WHEN prev_temp is NULL THEN NULLELSE (prev_temp + temperature) / 2 * (ts_e - prev_ts_e)END as weighted_sum,*FROM setup)SELECT freezer_id,avg(temperature),sum(weighted_sum) / (max(ts_e) - min(ts_e)) astime_weighted_averageFROM next stepGROUP BY freezer_id;SELECT freezer_id,AVG(temperature),average(time_weight('Linear', ts, temperature))AS time_weighted_averageFROM freezer_tempsGROUP BY freezer_id;

Focus on your application, not your database

Worry free and easy

High availabilityAutomatic backups

Leave DBOps to us

We give you back engineering time by taking care of database tuning, continuous backups and failover, automated database upgrades, encryption, all operational tasks, and SOC2, HIPAA and GDPR compliance.

Learn how we make high availability work

Roll to prod and sleep soundly

Safely test changes with a forking workflow. Redundancy and replication across storage and Availability Zones. Integrated monitoring for DevOps. PITR for any mistakes along the way.

Test your database performance

With free support standing by

Access to enterprise-level help via ticketing included with your Timescale subscription. Receive consultative advice from our global team of database engineers at no extra cost.

Learn about Timescale Support

It’s PostgreSQL but better


Get more from PostgreSQL

Scale PostgreSQL with automatic partitioning and indexing, incrementally-updated materialized views, columnar compression, and time-series hyperfunctions.

Explore our PostgreSQL benchmark

Without losing the good stuff

Keep using all the PostgreSQL features you love: data types, index types, CTEs, UDFs and more. 100% SQL. No learning curve. Seamless developer onboarding.

Read more on database indexes

While using the tools you know

Leverage the entire PostgreSQL ecosystem of tools, drivers, and connectors. If it works with PostgreSQL, it works with Timescale.

Learn more about 13 PostgreSQL tools

Build the New Age of Computing

Track the performance of millions of sensors and connected devices in real time with pinpoint geospatial and temporal accuracy.

See how we helped Density

Join a community of 3.2M active Timescale databases (and counting).

GitHub stars


G2 score


G2 score

Timescale's hyperfunctions significantly reduce our development time and continuous aggregates make it easier to do analysis on high volumes of data, plus with lower server costs.

Evert Van Cauwenberg, CTO

By choosing Timescale, we shaved off months from our minimum viable product development time. The advanced time-series features enable us to produce top-notch market data feeds.

Mikko Ohtamaa

Trading Strategy, CEO

Our experience using Timescale has been fantastic. We're really impressed with the core technical innovations, particularly around hypertables and compression.

Adam Inoue

Messari, Software Engineer

Timescale integrated seamlessly into our AWS data pipeline with AWS IoT Greengrass, AWS Kinesis, and AWS Lambda to help power our controlled environment agriculture platform.

Mark Thompson

Square Roots, Senior Infrastructure Engineer

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